22 Marketing Predictions for 2022

By: Varun Tikku – WAVIT Copywriter
As the chapter of our 2021 journey comes to an end, it’s only natural for us to theorize what awaits us during the next step in our story. The marketing landscape has been shifting dramatically in a way that has been extremely effective in engaging our audiences at a deeper level. Though this does not mean that we should become complacent. If anything, this means that we have our work cut out for us to continue honing our abilities to efficiently and unobtrusively deliver our message.
Streamline your 2022 story by following these 22 predictions:
1.Authentically inclusive marketing – If your message hits home, it hits home for everyone.
2.Purpose – A beacon of growth throughout the industry.
3.Cookieless world – Less stats, but more high-quality content.
4.NFTs – A fad which turned into an effective strategy.
5.Building a digital identity – The audience deserves to know your brand more intimately.
6.E commerce – Explosive growth means unlimited marketing opportunities.
7.AR linkage – Advanced filters engage your audience.
8.Virtual fashion – Everything is becoming more digitized, including brick and mortar retail.
9.Increased frameworks for creators – More options for creativity lead to more monetization options.
10.Hybrid events as the new normal – VR events are here to stay.
11.AI in SEO – Better optimization for less expenditure.
12.AI in forecasting and predictions – Proven to be far more effective than we are at predictions.
13.AI tools for digital process automation – Streamlined automation lets us focus more upon quality.
14.Videos will continue to soar – This king of content will retain its throne for a long time.
15.Creativity – As the quantity of content explodes, people value novel ideas far more than ever before.
16.The year of storytelling – Everyone enjoys a good tale, tell yours to keep the audience hooked.
17.Product placement – Commercials can be embedded into content in an unobtrusive manner, without interrupting their viewing experience.
18.Snackable content – Short form content continues rising in popularity, be sure to give people the snacks they crave.
19. Find your niche – Whatever distinguishes you from the masses needs to be your main focus.
20.Build a sense of community – Everyone wants to feel like they belong, an inclusive atmosphere goes a long way.
21.Voice search will continue to grow – Far easier than typing and soon to be far faster as well.
22.Adaptability – To stay on top of the game, every marketer will have to swiftly respond to the constantly changing world and meet its needs as a greater emphasis will be placed on trends.